PLC Ultima Farm Calculator
A Android App by Rajiva Stevenson
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Here you will find all information and manuals about the topics PLCUltima Farm, PLCU Coin Exchange, Platin World und Platin Hero.
If you have any questions, just contact me, I would be happy to help you with the first steps and of course I am happy too when we are successful together.
You can find more in the menu bar information pages and the Ultima Farm Calculator YouTube Channel.
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 Ultima Farm Calculator (Pro)
PLCUltima Farm and the used PLCU Coin is a new product created in the Cryptospace. It essentially consists of two applications for mobile phones or tablets. One app, the Ultima Wallet, can be seen like other crypto wallets, this is where your own PLCU coins are stored. The second app, the Ultima Farm, is used to increase your own coins, i.e. to mine new coins. The Ultima Farm Calculator simulates this combination and makes it possible to calculate in advance what will happen when these applications are actually used and how the PLCU coins will increase in the farm and in your wallet. You cannot buy or sell coins with the calculator and he is also completely independent of the wallet or farm software, but I think he complements the two very well. If you have any questions, just contact me, I'll be happy to help explain the PLCUltima Farm technology and how the simulation can be of use.
The purpose of this little Tool is:
* to help defining and calculating the best outcome of your Ultima Farm.
* calculate the required transaction far into the future and create a calendar that support with the timeline.
* the best ratio between minters (max. load) and smart contracts is calculated so it is easy to decide how much max. load is really needed.

The Ultima Farm Calculator is available in a standard and "Pro" version and I will try to indicate whenever it is a Pro only feature.
There is a "Get started" section in the program itself where you get some more information what is needed to start with a ultima farm.
I skip the description here and focus on the Calculator itself. How to switch from standard to Pro is also described in the "Get Started" section.

This program is not a investment advice and you have to decide yourself how much risk you are willing to take in the crypto space. I am not responsible for any loss you may have and there is no guarantee that the calculation is totally correct! The program is free to use and given on a "as-is" basis. There is no warranty that you benefit from the calculations made by this program. Everything is just a simulation and the real system may react different! There is not even a warranty that this program work on your system and you use it at your own risk!
Get started. The first thing you may start with is to define your Farm setup. This is done in the "Settings" tab.

Define a Farm Name and save it. Anytime you setup a new name the settings already made are copied to the new setup, so it is easy to create copies and switch between them. To create a fresh Farm start with the Default Farm and create a copy of it.

The USDT Field is just used to display the values in USDT, all calculations are internally done by PLCU and this setting do not have any effect to the calculation itself. Just values like the initial investment and the Minter costs are calculated by this exchange rate.

Investment is the initial Investment you started with. This might be much lower as the minimal startup costs are a Minter and some load for it (~260 USDT).

Minter is the price of buying max. load. This value is predefined and can be changed if the minter prices changes. The value is stored together with the minter purchase (), so if you like to use a diffenernt value edit the amount before you add max. Load to your Farm.

The Factor, also predefined, is the value that is used to calculate the smart contracts. This Value continuesly changes over the time and there should be no need to change that value. But changes are possible if you like to calculate it different. Same as with the Minter you need to adapt this value before you create () a new smart contract.

With the "Monthly view" setting it is possible to switch from an detailed information page to a overview. It groups all the small smart contracts within a month into a monthly line. This shorten the whole list and make the overview of the monthly income easyer. If unselected each contract payment is shown in a single line together with the payment date.

If "Validate" is selected the program try to prevent illegal entries. So it checks for enough capital to buy a minter, or check that the max. Load for a contract is available etc. If a previous made entry is invalid or get invalid by a new entry the line is marked and the entry is disabled. This Way the Farm is always consistent. To do some experiments validate can be turned off and so you can spend more capital as available in the wallet.

The checkbox Auto-adapt Future Minter costs, a Pro only Feature, enables the automatic adaption of the minter costs with changes in the exchange rate. Minters that where bought before stay untouched.

With the Automatic-Planner, a Pro only Feature, it is possible to automatically plan the farm live over several years by simply tabbing on the save button. Check out my YouTube Video describing the feature.
With Export/Import, a Pro only Feature, you can export or import your whole farm to the clipboard. The data can then be send to someone else or just be saved as a external backup. Sponsors can exchange the data with team members and thus use the app for support (learning by doing).

The Farm Tab is the main working area of the program, it is the heart of all calculations and here the whole Farm lifetime is defined.

Manual transactions are shown with a small red delete cross sign where you can tab on. The first red cross will delete all transactions, the others will just delete a single transaction.

Before you can add smart minting contracts you need to add a minter (max. load). This is done with the button. A list shows the available minters matching the available budget in your wallet. If validate is unselected you will see all available minters and no checking is done. Still a hint line will tell what is the max. available amount.

In a next step you can fill the farm with smart contracts, this is done with the button. Here you are also supported with the max. value you can enter.

For Withdrawals and Commission payments, a Pro feature only, tab the small Symbol inside the Wallet area.

If no existing line is selected the date is set to the current day, if a existing line is selected the new transaction is added afer that line. This way you can simply add transactions in between without the need to set the date manually. Sure you can change the preselected date.

Wallet xxx and Farm xxx shows the values of today, so this is a snapshot of the present day and you can quickly see the amount in the Wallet and in the Farm. In the Title you can see the wallet value at the end of the Farm lifetime. So when all smart contracts are closed.

A small orange clock symbol , a Pro feature only, will notify if there is a transaction planned for the current day. So you do not have to scroll thru the list to see if there is any action (buying minters or open contracts) planned for the day. If the icon is shown some action was defined and need to be fulfilled. With this you can use the app as a calender to check if you have planned actions for the real Farm.

Smart contract payments are grouped to a monthly line if this is defined in the settings page. Transactions are always shown in a separate line.
If you have set PLCU as your display currency all values are shown in the internal used PLCU amount. This is a usefull setting when defining your Farm lifetime and you can switch back to USDT to get a better feeling of the exchanged values.

How to use the Capacity Column:

The main goal of the calculator is to help to find the best strategie and show how to reinvest the minted amount. Reinvesting all or parts of the minted income increase the overall performance largely. Within the the minter payment lines the capacity value shows how much max. load is available for the whole available wallet amount. So what is needed or available to reinvest the whole wallet value. If this value is positive no action is required and enough max. Load is available to add a contract for the full available amount. If this value is negative the value shows the needed max. Load to invest the available wallet value. As bying a minter will decrease the wallet value the needed max. Load value will also decrease for the rest of the available wallet amount. A good stategie might be to add max. Load until the capacity value get positive. This indicate that the rest of the wallet can be put into a smart contract and therefore it makes it easy to balance the available wallet amount between bying minters and adding contracts. Just the contracts earn money and empty minters (available max. Load) just increase the costs side, so it make much sense to fill up the minters as much as possible.

What the Columns show:

A Minter Transaction Line shows the bought max. Load, the new available Capacity and the cost of the minter.
A Contract Transaction Line shows the added Minting amount, the minting Capacity for the whole Lifetime of the Contract and the Amount taken from the Wallet. This value will be added back to the Wallet as soon as the contract ends, the value is just Frozen and not a cost position.
A Minting payment line shows the Minting payment, the available max. Load, the available Capacity and the value of the Wallet itself.

If the lines are understud you have a complete overview of the values over the whole farm lifetime. As this is just a simulated world you can easyly experiment around and plan the best investment strategie right on your mobile. I have a lot more ideas with this app and try to add adititional features and possibilitys in the future. Sure I would love to get Feedback or even more if you join my Team.
The following Summary Tab is a Pro Feature only, in the standard version this Tab is missing completely. Here you can see a Summary of the calculated values, the Farm lifetime and some Charts showing the values in a graphical view over the lifetime of the Farm.

You can Zoom and scroll within the charts and click on lines or bars to get the underlying values.

Here you also see the impact between the reinvest and the outcome at the end.

This summary is also ideal if you, as a sponsor, want to set up a team yourself and want to display the progress and the overall result graphically to your team members.

Join my Team and get free Support!

For the likewise free Ultima Farm Calculator Pro Version I offer extended Support as it is possible to exchange data here. Please inform youself in the Tab „Get Started“ how to use the App as a Pro Version!
Difference between the Program Versions
Feature Free Version Pro Version
Support of Developers No Yes
Amount Farms 2 Unlimited
Summary and Charts No Yes
Automatic Updates (Minter costs, max. Load, PLCU) 5x Unlimited
PLCU <-> USDT Realtime Rate No Yes
Minter costs Realtime (USDT <-> EUR) No Yes
Automatic Farm planning No Yes
Export / Import Farm data No Yes
Automatic Adaption of Minter data No Yes
Hide Config Details No Yes
Withdrawals and Commission payments No Yes
Calendar function No Yes
PLCU Blockchain Explorer (Wallet, Farm, Smart Contract) No Yes
Import of Smart Contracts from the Farm No Yes
PLCU Farm Assistent No Yes
PLCU TAX Assistent No Yes
Extended Support No Yes

How to unlock the Pro Features?

In order to be able to use the Pro functionality, activation is required. There are 2 options available for this and these can also be selected directly in the program itself.

To activate, switch to the tab "Get Started" (far right) and scroll down a bit.

Under 1. you can now enter a team key and save it. The team key is free for all members of our team. After saving, the application must be restarted.

If you are already registered in another team, there is the second option where you can purchase a Pro activation via the App Store. Option 2 is only offered to you if there is an internet connection and the Google Play service can be reached. To purchase a subscription, tap the price button and follow the instructions provided by the Google Pay service. Here a restart of the application is required as well after the purchase has been confirmed by Google.

If there are problems with the activation please contact me.
If you have suggestions for improvement or miss a function, write me and let me know!
Hope you find the app useful, but you use it at your own risk! - © 2022 by Rajiva Stevenson